Pregnant Cardi B’s ‘freak accident’: Rapper share’s new details

Pregnant Cardi B’s ‘freak accident’: Rapper share’s new details



Cardi B detailed on ‘freak accident’ 

Cardi B recounted how she got “paralysed” and “couldn’t move for two days straight” after her “freak accident”, about which she shared earlier, that could have caused a pregnancy loss.

“I was going down the stairs and I slipped a little,” the I Like It singer explained during a conversation on X Spaces on Thursday, Aug. 8.

“I practically fell, but I was trying to prevent myself from falling, so I was holding myself on the railing. My foot still slipped, and I kind of busted my ass.”

She noted that she “felt a weird jerk, like a pop” upon falling and “couldn’t get up really.”

Her father ran to her and “tried helping [her] get up and move out the steps,” after she “screamed” for him.

“I noticed that I couldn’t really walk,” despite her father’s efforts, “like I was feeling pain in my, I don’t know, in the lower of my stomach.”

Cardi mentioned carrying her to-be-born baby “a little low,” so she usually feels “a little pain” in that part and just figured to take a nap after the fall.

“When I woke up, I couldn’t move my bottom at all,” Cardi revealed. “Like, just moving my feet was hurting the bottom of my stomach. I couldn’t move. I felt like paralyzed.”

In a state of panic finding herself unable to move, the singer was taken to the hospital, where she “found out that [she] tore a ligament in my pelvis and it’s right where my baby’s head is at.”

“I dilated and I was having contractions for every two minutes for a whole 24 hours,” the soon-to-be mother of three added. “So they had to monitor me and I was in a lot of pain. I couldn’t move for two days straight.”


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